Now, before I get to it, I want to explain something. There may be other characters that haven’t been confirmed since Lucasfilm sometimes does that. But anyways, here is a list of every announced character that will be featured in TLJ!
The Resistance and other Good Guys:
Rey: The New Era’s new hope, Rey is a young scavenger turned Resistance fighter who was thrown into a larger world after her introduction in The Force Awakens. Rey has so far journeyed to the planet Ahch-To, where she will train with the Luke Skywalker, the long-lost Jedi master.
Luke Skywalker: In exile after the destruction of his New Jedi Order, Luke’s mind and grip on the galaxy has been broken. When Rey intrudes on his peaceful isolation on his island on Ahch-To, he will rejoin the war between light and dark and help Rey discover ancient mysteries of the Force and shocking revelations of the past.
Finn: At a turning point in his life, the young stormtrooper-turned Resistance warrior was severely injured by Kylo Ren on Starkiller Base. He will heal from his injuries and then join Rose Tico and BB-8 on a mission to infiltrate the First Order and find a slicer named DJ on the planet Cantonica.
Poe Dameron: The hotshot Resistance X-wing pilot, Poe will spend more time with General Leia Organa in battle with the First Order. He will also get promoted to Captain in the Resistance.
BB-8: Poe’s faithful droid carried half of the map to Luke Skywalker, but now will join Finn and Rose on their secret mission.
Chewbacca: After Han Solo, the Wookiee’s best friend, was killed in TFA, Chewie went to Ahch-To with Rey and R2-D2, and will befriend the island’s native porgs and cope with the loss of Han.
General Leia Organa: Leia will continue to lead the Resistance with the help of her command staff and her own faithful droid, C-3PO. This is Carrie Fisher’s final film performance after her death in 2016.
Rose Tico: A Resistance technician, Rose will join Finn and BB-8 on their mission to Cantonica’s city of Canto Bight to infiltrate a First Order base.
Paige Tico: Rose’s sister, a gunner in the Resistance bomber fleet, will have a very small role in the larger war.
Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo: Holdo, a senior Resistance officer, will develop a grudge against Poe Dameron and serve as one of General Leia’s staff.
DJ: This mysterious criminal has no true alliance, but will end up helping Finn, Rose, and BB-8 on their mission.
Maz Kanata: Having an even smaller role than she did in TFA, Maz will help give a tip to DJ’s location to Finn and Rose.
Part 2 of every character is coming soon: The Bad Guys!

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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