Okay, Everybody, this is a big review. I’m reviewing what seems to be the best LEGO game ever! Alright lets get on the features. Their are 5 Hub Worlds which include, Jakku, Starkiller Base, Millennium Falcon, Takodana and D’quar [the resistance base]. So, here’s the hubs. HUB worlds: Jakku: This one is boring but with fun missions. Its nice though, because you can showcase characters there. Takodana: My least favorite. Their is nothing to do! I mean, theirs mostly just droid missions. Starkiller base: Remember to brighten up the screen in the settings menu because its dark. The missions are fun. Theirs this one where you have to help a stormtrooper fix all the hot tubs. Another is Captain Phasma wants you to hone your shooting skills in a blaster battle. What is a blaster battle you ask? Its a new feature that is a cover based shooter. They seem really fun and challenging. Millennium falcon : Okay. It isn’t the best, because you can get lost, it seems like. D’quar: My favorite! Its one of the best new planets. Their are missions everywhere. Alrighty, Characters time! But, I can’t review every one, because that would take FOREVER. So, I will review them by the levels that they come in. Oh, and that’s the end of this one because I will start on levels now, goodbye!

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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